"Momma, can we please light the pink one?" is a common question I have heard from Gracie Ann this Advent season. She helped get out the Advent wreath a few weeks ago and carefully placed the three purple candles in their spots. At first she requested another purple, not so sure about the only pink candle. After a little explaining, she agreed to include it, as unfitting as it may have seemed.
Every night she asks if it is time to light the pink candle and every night we have had to tell her, "Not yet." Well, today as we were getting ready to walk into the church, Monsignor asked us if we would like to walk up with the clergy and light the candles on the Advent wreath. "YES!" is what came out of my mouth! What a special thing for us to get to do as a family, and I knew Gracie Ann would be thrilled to help. We got up to the front, and Josh lifted her up to help him light the candles. As we came around to the pink one, Gracie let out a sweet and happy little "aawww". I was so excited for her! It was finally time!
Monsignor's homily was over patience and preparation for the birth of Christ. It made me realize what patience my little four year old has practiced the past few weeks, and how we are all called to have the excitement of a child. Even though I don't have one gift under the tree, I am feeling prepared for Christmas day and I think I have a little girl to thank for that.